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Revisting My 40 by 40 List

Three years ago I shared a list right after my thirtieth birthday of forty things I would like to accomplish before I turned 40. This list seems to always be in the back of my mind so I thought it would be good to revist it. As I sat down with this list, I was surprised at how many of them I was able to mark off the list the last three years. So, without further ado, here is my updated 40 Before 40 List.

40 Before 40 Updated

  1. Pay off our debt. I’m looking at you student loans! – We are getting there but haven’t quite made it yet.
  2. Become my own boss. – This is also in progress. I’m making a lot more money on my own outside of my nine to five than I was in 2017. Hoping to step up my game even more with this soon.
  3. Buy myself a “fun” car that all my kids won’t fit in. (Camaro, please!)
  4. Start swimming again. Maybe competitively.
  5. Participate in a triathlon at least once.
  6. Visit all 50 states. I’ve been to 25. 25 more to go! – I’ve added a few states since I originally wrote this list but haven’t quite made it to all 50.
  7. Save a substantial amount of money. – Again, getting there but not quite where I want to be.
  8. Visit London and Paris with Daniel.Done! Daniel and I visited London and Paris together in March of 2018! We had so much fun!
  9. Go to Disney World.
  10. Take my kids to the beach for the first time.
  11. Visit Las Vegas with Daniel.
  12. Go on an African safari.
  13. See the pyramids in Egypt.
  14. Visit forty countries.
  15. See an active volcano.Done! We saw the Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica as well as several others that are active. If you know me, this is a dream come true. I’m fascinated by volcanoes for some reason. I often tell Daniel I missed my calling as volcanologist.
  16. See Pompeii. – Not done yet but will be in 2021. I can’t wait!
  17. Spend New Years in Times Square at least once.
  18. Read 750 books.
  19. Write a book.
  20. Host an exchange student.
  21. Go on a cruise.
  22. Ride in a hot air balloon.
  23. Go hiking in a rain forest.Done! This was another thing we did in Costa Rica last year.
  24. Indoor sky dive.
  25. Face my fear of open water and learn to scuba dive.
  26. Eat at a Michelin 3-star restaurant.
  27. Visit Moulin Rouge.
  28. See the northern lights.
  29. Go zip lining.
  30. Go kayaking.Done! We did this at Lake Arenal in Costa Rica as well. I learned that I LOVE kayaking!
  31. Diversify my income. – I could probably call this one done because I have a lot of side hustles going on but it is still very much a work in progress.
  32. Get my nose pierced again.Done!
  33. Get a tattoo for each of my children.
  34. Hike the Grand Canyon.
  35. See a musical on Broadway and in West End.Partially completed. We saw Les Miserables in West End in 2018. Hoping to knock this one completely off my list later this year.
  36. Hold a sloth.
  37. Bathe an elephant.
  38. Learn to meditate and practice yoga effectively.
  39. Learn a second language.
  40. Say only yes to my kids for a whole day.  Keep ‘no’ out of my vocabulary.We’ve done this several times in the past three years. It’s fun and creates memories for our kids but it can get expensive! Ha!

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